(Photos Thanks to Brian Strom)

(John Beyl, Larry Utter and Micael Menendez discuss the maintenance plans for the day)

(Matt Myklebust works on the P-51)

(Bob Wright checks the BT-13's ailerons)

(Dave Schouveller and Roger Van Ranst work on the B-25's exhaust system)

(It takes a group effort around the hangar... Mar Erickson, Matt, Andy Piazza and Dave remove the tail turret)

(Larry, Jim Lauria, Matt and Mark trade theories on what's needed to improve the tail turrets operation)

(Brandan Penaz works with Mark and Keith Struck under the supervision of Al Morphew. They are removing old fabric tape on the B-25 rudders in preparation for rejuvenating them)

(Doug Rozendaal and Al Morphew discuss what we are all ready for, next years flying season!)

(Al sprays rejuvinator on the rudders)
(Don't stop scrolling or we'll send Dave after you!)
(Rudy Nassif and Doug Olson clean up the PT-22)

(Matt and John inspect the Mustang engine and adjust the valves)

(Part of maintenance is discussing the plans. Doug, Meaghan Butzer, Janaka Buldoc and Bob talk over ideas for the PT-22 radio)

(Tom Goodwill cleans up the P-51 prop hub)

(Tim Gunter adds some marking tape to the L-5's fluid lines)

(Micael, Steve Kaminson and Andy Piazza inspect the Mustang)

(A new addition to the B-25... curtains! These are original issue WWII curtains that all B-25Js came with.)
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