Thursday, June 25, 2009

Around the Hangar

It's great to walk in and see progress around the wing. Every week we've got forward progress, however small it is. We had shelves removed for parts storage, new parts came in for the Ranger Museum project and the PT-22 exhaust and accessories are very close to ready!
(Ranger Engine mount)
(Mags, carb and wire loom aquired)
(The back hallway is amazingly clean!)
(Closer and closer to powering up the Dehmel trainer!)

Finding Perspective

Our membership is the most important part of the CAF. Without our members we would never get anywhere. Earl Teporten has done a wonderful job of capturing the members who volunteered Saturday. The different perspective is great to see. Volunteering at MNCAF is more like an afternoon with friends than a job... stop in and see how you can help!!! (Pictures thanks to Earl Teporten)

(Bob Wright, Art Minkle, Lorie Minkle, Ron Legg and Tim Gunter open up the hangar and enjoy the sun.)

(Tim Gunter preps to move the BT-13.)

(Bob cleans up after the BT.)

(Emil Quasabart is instrumental in keeping the hangar clean.)

(Tim and Art hanging the Flag weight.)

("I love work; it fascinates me; I can sit and watch it for hours.")

(Larry Utter arrives just in time for the food!)

(Earl Teporten, Kurt Koukkari and Larry enjoy BBQ by "Iron Chef" Ron Legg.)

(New member Curt Miller talks with Bob Wright about being a MNCAF aircraft mechanic.)

(Kurt and Larry discuss the finer points in life.)

(Dick Leighninger has arrived!)

Weekly Update - 20June to 25June

Good Day Everyone! This weeks Blog is going to be a little different. As I was not present over the weekend or the majority of the day Wednesday all of my information is second hand. A big Thank You to all who kept me in the loop! The B-25 should be on her way to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. That will be a one-day flyover scenario, and the hope is for Miss Mitchell to return Friday. The PT-22 Engine is installed, all it's peripherals are mounted and we are looking forward to an engine run soon. The P-51 still maintains its forward progress, with a goal of attending Oshkosh in a month (we need volunteers for that!). At the hangar, the forklifts were finished off... both should be in good working order... that will be confirmed Saturday. The cleaning of the hangar is really starting to make a difference... It's looking good everyone! The Dehmel is coming along, with help from numerous sources. The hanging flag has been stabilized also so it doesn't flip over on itself in the wind. Let me know if I've missed anything of importance everyone!!! Pictures to follow.

Friday, June 19, 2009

World War 2 Days

We took off for Fort Snelling with a couple of re-enactors in tow! Even a few of our members dressed the part (Cadet Matt Stone, Col. Amy Lauria, Col. Dick Leighninger). We told the CAF's story and the story of the vehicles we had on hand. We even took some time to try to find a screw... with a WWII metal detector! Thanks to all who attended, and helped throughout the weekend! I encourage everyone to visit this event... it was very interesting, fun and educational! (Select photos Thanks to Serena Johnson)

Hangar Happenings

This week at the hangar we quite a few members working on various projects. It was great to see everyone get involved in something to help make the Hangar safer, cleaner, and more efficient! We even managed to hang a Flag by the big hangar door (Yes, from the perspective I have taken the photos at, the flag is backwards, but when people walk into the Museum, and enter the normal way, the flag is correct). We were also lucky enough to be served lunch by "Iron Chef" Ron Legg! Thanks Everyone!

Weekly Update - 12June to 19June

Greetings Everyone! This week was quite eventful. I'll be breaking it up into different posts. The B-25 remains in Green Bay, awaiting transport to Wright-Patterson AFB on June 25th. We attended World War 2 days at Fort Snelling with two of our vehicles. It was a great drive, the Jeep and the Burma ran great, and we had a great team to support it! We were there for Saturday and Sunday handing out flyers, talking about the vehicles, WW2 and the CAF. Apparently there were over 1600 people in attendance through the weekend! Work around the hangar was no slouch either. Cleanup, sign creation, Forklifts being fixed, Museum items catalogued and the floor stripes being repainted occupied a lot of time! Work on the PT-22 is constant, moving towards a goal of running later this month or early July! Thanks to all who make MNCAF such a great place to visit and volunteer!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sign Hanging

Thanks again to Brian Strom for the photos! Glenn Franke, Art Minkle, and Nathan Timm hang our new signage.

PT-22 Engine Mounting

We are very lucky to have gotten these photos from volunteer Brian Strom. Thank you Brian for taking these photos!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Photos Galore!

For those of you who are not familiar, Max Haynes has made a name for himself in Aviation photography. He spends time all around the country photographing anything aviation related. We're very lucky that the MN Wing has a special place in Max's heart, as it was a kickoff for his AvPhoto journey! Please visit to see Max's work involving the Wing!


Okay, some of you know what Twitter is, others don't. That's okay, we'll do our best to make it easy on you! Follow our tweet @ If it's not your thing, that's fine, we'll keep you up to date with the Blog!

Weekly Update - 05June to 11June

Greetings all! This week has seen parties, progress and fun! We had our Awards Banquet on Sat the 6th of June (D-Day + 65 years). Joining us was Ray Nagell, a veteran of the 101st Airborne Division who landed on Omaha beach D-Day + 1. He had some very interesting stories, and we were grateful to have him be a part of it! We will be posting award winners in an up-coming Straight and Level newsletter, so keep an eye out for that in the near future! The hangar was filled with workers Saturday, while the bomber was off to Manitowac, Wisconsin. Work was performed on the Link and Dehmel trainers, the PT-22 continued with engine install work, the drone is getting closer to complete, and the Harvard got its brakes bled. Sunday we had a group go to Grand Old Days in St. Paul to sell pop and raise money for the Wing. Although it was a little cold, we had a great time! On Wednesday, in a leap forward, our members worked together to install the hangar signs! Thanks Guys, it looks terrific!!!!
As always, a great big THANK YOU to all the members and volunteers who make this possible!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

PT-22 Progress Update

The PT-22 underwent a huge change this Wednesday. In a step that brings us closer and closer to a flying aircraft, the maintenance team, led by crew chief Doug Olson, mounted the Kinner R-56 Engine Wednesday. This is great forward progress... Thanks Guys!

Hangar Dance!

What a great dance! We had between 800 and 900 people in attendance, and it seemed that everyone, volunteer or attendee, had a great time. We saw a lot of new faces, along with some very familiar ones... a good mix in my book. Thanks to all for the help!