(Photos Thanks to Keith Struck and Matt Myklebust)
(The meeting took place on a very beautiful day, which was wonderful for members who had a chance to look over and fly in the PT-22, BT-13 and B-25)
(But first we got down to business. Members had a chance to hear the staff's goals, and ask questions about anything they wished)
(The staff took turns discussing their areas, goals and needs. Here it looks very serious...)
(... but we had opportunities to have some fun. Joel Ludwigson [Finance Officer] took some time to poke fun of Wing Leader Amy Lauria)
(Now that the boring stuff is over... Time to eat!)
(New and old members mingle together, have some good food, and enjoy a common goal.)
(We were even surprised with the loan of this 4wheeler. Member Brent Darling contacted a friend with Cannon Valley Sports, who graciously loaned this to us for a year!)
(On to the rides! The B-25 had some issues, but the BT-13 and PT-22 picked up the slack)
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