Good Afternoon All,
I apologize for a lack of posts in the last few weeks. We've finished with our final two events at the hangar. The Halloween party on the 30th was a hit... great music, good costumes and a taco bar! It was great fun, thank you to all those who attended and helped out. The next night we rented the hangar to a group for their private hHalloween party. It was a late night but a good time as well! The focus has turned from our event laden schedule toward a maintenance operation. The B-25 returned home from Midland, and has been put into maintenance for the winter. First tasks include an engine change, and some repairs. The small aircraft will continue to fly for a period of time before they too are put into maintenance. If you are interested in helping with aircraft maintenance, hangar repair, museum or general cleanup over the winter, we could use your help!!!