As I have so much to catch up on, I will only be posting "Around the Hangar" this time. This is only a piece of the work taking place... come down and check it out yourself!
(Photos Thanks to Brian Strom)

(Removing the Harvard engine)

(It didn't take long for it to come off... far easier than the B-25!)

(From crowded, messy maintenance office to...)

(, clean and useful shop)

(Tool boxes left, parts and tools were sorted, and the area became an excellent sheet metal shop)

(The PX gets a new wall, by moving 3 large museum cases)

(Gary Stinar and Glenn Franke install windows in the new PX)

(And we did verify that even the big guys will fit through the door!)

(No windows yet, but gives an idea of what it will look like)

(Todd Lofquist takes on the museum wall project)

(Todd, Matt, Raine, and Kristen install the 8 foot wall)

(Difference in height... the wall now goes well around the corner)

(The sprinkler riser being assembled)

(Of course maintenance must keep on task as well... Dave Hennessy installs panels on the B-25)

(Bob Koelbl inspects the Harvard tail wheel)

(Arnie Fick builds boxes for the B-25 pre-oil system)

(Tom Peltier painted the guns for the B-25)

(Shawn Hokuf inspects the PT-22 intake system)